Tag: brochures

Snake plant at my office. Photo by Mahesh Raj Mohan

Your Content Garden

Spring is finally here (well, for some of us), and it’s a great time to focus on your backyard or porch garden.  It’s also the perfect time to attend to to your “content garden.”  Web copy, print collateral, blogs, PR, social media, and even TV or radio commercials all need care and attention to thrive.

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VeriServe Solutions, Inc. Brochure

Print Marketing and Your Business

We may be transforming into a paperless world, but I will always believe in the power of print.  In my opinion, high screen resolution and pristine digital images will never replace the scent of finely-milled paper or dust jackets as glossy as polished stone. In the marketing realm, you can’t beat the allure of the

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Three Ways Great Writing Can Help Your Business

As a professional writer and editor, I’m always interested in other professionals’ views on writing.   I recently read an excellent article by Dave Kerpen entitled, “Want To Be Taken Seriously? Become a Better Writer.”  The article is written as a guide for both writers and professionals, and Mr. Kerpen gives several practical tips. Mr.

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What Changes Will You Make This Year?

I went in for a haircut a couple of weeks ago, and while chatting with the barber, I mentioned how I worked on the same desktop for six years, and used a BlackBerry as my mobile workstation for three years. As you can tell, I like stability. Around this time, my desktop started flashing Blue

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Reaching Your Audience

If you’re a small business owner, reaching your audience can be a challenge.  As a freelance writer, I’ve certainly encountered that dilemma.  I re-started my freelance writing career just over two years ago, in an economic environment that can be challenging.  I think many small business owners can relate.  The economy is improving (my business

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Freelance Writer: Work and Solving Problems

I never like to say the word, “work.” Not because I prefer idleness.  Quite the opposite.  As a freelance writer and editor near Portland, I look at content creation and refinement as fun.   I am genuinely pleased to help my clients reach their audience(s).  The task itself becomes the reward … largely because I’ve already

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Freelance Writer: Time Management

While in Portland, I’ve developed a reputation as a fast writer and editor.   I like to be realistic about time frames so there are no surprises for my clients. How do I manage my time?  I’m glad you asked! 1.  Good Mornings I have a regimented morning schedule.  I used to think I could switch

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Freelance Writer: Copywriters Can Save Your Business

I kinda want to file this blog post under,  “a damned shame.”  On Sunday night, my wife Sara and I decided to eat Mexican food at a favorite neighborhood restaurant, where we’ve gone for the past three years.   We enjoyed its food and ambiance.  A type of music called norteño always played over the speakers,

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2011 Aspirations

Happy New Year! I’ve never been one for resolutions.   I know the half-joke is that they’re not supposed to stick, but that seemed kind of counter-productive to me (why make ’em if you know you won’t do ’em?!) Anyway, a few years ago, my Mom introduced me to the concept of “New Years Aspirations.”  These

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Writing and Editing

I like to think of writing and editing the way a boxer might think of his fists.  One’s steel, the other is iron.  If one don’t get ya, the other one will. For me, the writing process is chaotic, disorderly, and powered entirely by imagination.  Whether I’m writing website content, brochure copy, book reviews, business

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