2011 Aspirations

Picture of Mahesh Raj Mohan

Mahesh Raj Mohan

I am a full-time Portland freelance copywriter, editor, and content marketing specialist. I help companies with white papers, case studies, technical writing, product copy, and more.

Happy New Year!

I’ve never been one for resolutions.   I know the half-joke is that they’re not supposed to stick, but that seemed kind of counter-productive to me (why make ’em if you know you won’t do ’em?!)

Anyway, a few years ago, my Mom introduced me to the concept of “New Years Aspirations.”  These are things that you intend to do.  Since priorities shift all the time, this made more sense to me.

So these are my 2011 Aspirations:

1.  Grow.

I aspire to acquire more Portland and non-local freelance writing clients, particularly folks who need website content and copy for brochures and other print collateral.  I am also circulating a screenplay and some new short stories.

2.  Read.

I used to make bets with myself on how many books I could read over the summer.  My all-time high is 14 novels between Memorial Day to Labor Day.  I only read 12 books for all of 2010.  I aspire to at least read every day.

3.  Volunteer

There are a lot of causes I believe in.  I’ve been a quiescent activist for a few years, giving monetary support to organizations, but sometimes direct action is necessary.  I was particularly struck by the success of  GOTV (get-out-the-vote) drives during the 2010 election.  I’m reading about several different organizations in my area and plan to start volunteering at the end of this month.

So there you have it.   I’ll let you all know how everything goes.

What about you?  Any resolutions/aspirations for the new year?

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