Tag: Amber James

Light Bulb No. 2 by Chuck Coker

Your Ideal Client

(Image Credit:  “Light Bulb No. 2” by Chuck Coker) My networking group, The Copywriter Conclave of Portland, keeps a regularly updated blog chock full of valuable information for me, my fellow “Conclavists,” and our clients.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what Conclave founder Amber James brought up in April:  the ideal client.   Amber mentions

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Portland Copywriters and Editors

(I recently wrote a blog post at the Copywriter Conclave of Portland website.  I’ve copied it here for readers of my blog.) A group of copywriters and editors in the same group may seem like a strange idea. After all, aren’t we supposed to be competing for the same pool of clients? If you’re a

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What Is A Market Rate?

Last month’s Enlighten Writing blog post discussed why I don’t think writer/editors should work for free. I discussed the importance of a market rate.  But what is a market rate?  And how does a writer or editor determine her or his market rate? The Business Dictionary defines a market rate as, “the usual price in

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