Tag: copywriter

Content and Strategy

A few weeks ago, a financial advisor friend of mine and I had a conversation about the terminology of our respective professions.  I mentioned how a few people seemed ambivalent about calling themselves copywriters, and some had started using the term, “content strategist.” “Copy” is a journalism term and one that evokes smoky newsrooms and

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4 Freelance Writers Who Give Great Advice

(A version of this blog post first appeared at the Copywriter Conclave of Portland.  Happy Holidays folks!) If you don’t have access to in-person resources, there are many freelance writing advisors on the Internet.  Many monetize that advice through coaching, online classes, e-books, and so forth.  Some are good and some are bad. Peter Bowerman

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The Art of Following Up

We are inundated with information every day. Our work and home responsibilities involve a flood of calls, messages, and texts. It’s never been easier to lose track of something, even if it’s important to us. It’s no wonder that so many people are grateful for a simple, kind reminder about something they promised to do.

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Light Bulb No. 2 by Chuck Coker

Your Ideal Client

(Image Credit:  “Light Bulb No. 2” by Chuck Coker) My networking group, The Copywriter Conclave of Portland, keeps a regularly updated blog chock full of valuable information for me, my fellow “Conclavists,” and our clients.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what Conclave founder Amber James brought up in April:  the ideal client.   Amber mentions

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Enlighten Writing Laptop

Search Engines and Your Business

If you own a business with a presence on the Internet – whether you’re a Portland-area freelance writer like me or a process server like my client, VeriServe Solutions – you know the importance of search engine rankings.  Or I hope you do. I wanted to write a blog post to get you up to

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Portland Copywriters and Editors

(I recently wrote a blog post at the Copywriter Conclave of Portland website.  I’ve copied it here for readers of my blog.) A group of copywriters and editors in the same group may seem like a strange idea. After all, aren’t we supposed to be competing for the same pool of clients? If you’re a

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What Is A Market Rate?

Last month’s Enlighten Writing blog post discussed why I don’t think writer/editors should work for free. I discussed the importance of a market rate.  But what is a market rate?  And how does a writer or editor determine her or his market rate? The Business Dictionary defines a market rate as, “the usual price in

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