Tag: SEO

"I Would Like An Estimate..."

“I Would Like An Estimate…”

I try to keep my initial complimentary consultation focused on the problems of my prospective clients, and the potential ways I can help. Questions about cost can bog the conversation down. Business owners (and marketing managers eyeing their budgets) understandably feel they’re entering uncharted territory when they seek freelance writers or editors. Even in the

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Enlighten Writing Laptop

Search Engines and Your Business

If you own a business with a presence on the Internet – whether you’re a Portland-area freelance writer like me or a process server like my client, VeriServe Solutions – you know the importance of search engine rankings.  Or I hope you do. I wanted to write a blog post to get you up to

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Reaching Your Audience

If you’re a small business owner, reaching your audience can be a challenge.  As a freelance writer, I’ve certainly encountered that dilemma.  I re-started my freelance writing career just over two years ago, in an economic environment that can be challenging.  I think many small business owners can relate.  The economy is improving (my business

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Freelance Writer: Your Worth

I should clarify something.  In previous blog posts, I’ve said that I started freelancing full-time last year, but it’s more accurate to say that I went back to freelancing.  I’ve been a professional copywriter/editor since I was 21, and have been sending out my work since I was 16.   So I have experience seeking work,

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Freelance Writer: Your Writing Voice

Blogging has changed in the 10 or so years I’ve kept an online journal.  When I first started (on a site with the domain “.nu!”), I just wrote about things that interested me like my favorite films.  Then I had a livejournal, then a blog attached to The Raw Story when it launched, then a

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Freelance Writer: Work and Solving Problems

I never like to say the word, “work.” Not because I prefer idleness.  Quite the opposite.  As a freelance writer and editor near Portland, I look at content creation and refinement as fun.   I am genuinely pleased to help my clients reach their audience(s).  The task itself becomes the reward … largely because I’ve already

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What Worked in 2010

It’s the season for taking stock and end-of-year lists.  For myself, I made a pretty big life change in 2010.  I voluntarily became a full-time freelance writer in January 2010.  Leaving a salaried position with a company that I helped build was difficult, but who said personal growth was easy? Of course, like every other

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Web Content Writing

People surfing the web for a certain product or service – such as graphic design – are already half-sold when they visit a website. Well-written website content makes your products/services enticing.  It compels the prospect to click “order,” “buy,” or “e-mail for more information.”  Badly-written copy does the opposite.   Confused or bored surfers will leave

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Freelance Writing additions

In the spirit of staying active (which I wrote about previously), I added a couple of writing examples to the Portfolio area of my website. One is an example of technical writing for a healthcare technology application. The other is an example of SEO writing, using high quality text and targeted keyword density. They’re both

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The Origin of Freelance

I love working with words. They are, after all, my main currency of exchange, ;) One word that has always fascinated me is, “freelance.” It has a nice, “Old World” ring, doesn’t it? It conjures visions of horsemen raising their lances for a charge, sworn to no king. The term “freelance” was first coined by

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