Freelance Writer: Time Management

Picture of Mahesh Raj Mohan

Mahesh Raj Mohan

I am a full-time Portland freelance copywriter, editor, and content marketing specialist. I help companies with white papers, case studies, technical writing, product copy, and more.

While in Portland, I’ve developed a reputation as a fast writer and editor.   I like to be realistic about time frames so there are no surprises for my clients.

How do I manage my time?  I’m glad you asked!

1.  Good Mornings

I have a regimented morning schedule.  I used to think I could switch between being an early bird and a night owl, but my wife assures me that I’m most definitely not a morning person.   So I give myself enough time in the morning to exercise, eat breakfast, and read The Oregonian newspaper (even if it means getting up at 5 a.m.)  This better prepares me for the day, and I am enormously productive.   I’ve worked alongside talented writers who work until midnight (and I’ve logged those hours), but I prefer to use the daylight hours efficiently.

If a deadline requires a long day, though, you can bet I’ll be up earlier (or work later) to make sure the client receives the project on time.

2.  Expectation Management

I’m always flabbergasted when service providers fail to grasp this simple concept.   Providing a firm timeline helps to manage your client’s expectations, and it creates a buffer in case you hit a snag in research (or if life explodes on you).   If you run a deliverables-based business like me, then letting a client know when s/he will receive something partially paid for is crucial.

3. Edit, Edit, Edit …

I tend to free-write based on my notes and research, then refine the content several times.  I believe the refinement phase (as I like to call it, ;-)) brings out the best in a client’s copy.   You can always see the market solution and power of a particular concept after you’ve had some time to think about it.

So that’s a brief window into part of my life as a freelance writer.  If you need content either created or refined, for website or print platforms, contact me.

Your words are in good hands with me!

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