Tag: advertising

VeriServe Solutions, Inc. Brochure

Print Marketing and Your Business

We may be transforming into a paperless world, but I will always believe in the power of print.  In my opinion, high screen resolution and pristine digital images will never replace the scent of finely-milled paper or dust jackets as glossy as polished stone. In the marketing realm, you can’t beat the allure of the

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Freelance Writer: Your Writing Voice

Blogging has changed in the 10 or so years I’ve kept an online journal.  When I first started (on a site with the domain “.nu!”), I just wrote about things that interested me like my favorite films.  Then I had a livejournal, then a blog attached to The Raw Story when it launched, then a

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Freelance Writer: Time Management

While in Portland, I’ve developed a reputation as a fast writer and editor.   I like to be realistic about time frames so there are no surprises for my clients. How do I manage my time?  I’m glad you asked! 1.  Good Mornings I have a regimented morning schedule.  I used to think I could switch

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Freelance Writer: Copywriters Can Save Your Business

I kinda want to file this blog post under,  “a damned shame.”  On Sunday night, my wife Sara and I decided to eat Mexican food at a favorite neighborhood restaurant, where we’ve gone for the past three years.   We enjoyed its food and ambiance.  A type of music called norteño always played over the speakers,

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What Worked in 2010

It’s the season for taking stock and end-of-year lists.  For myself, I made a pretty big life change in 2010.  I voluntarily became a full-time freelance writer in January 2010.  Leaving a salaried position with a company that I helped build was difficult, but who said personal growth was easy? Of course, like every other

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