Tag: Inspiration

Content Strategy

Content strategy is a broad concept, by design.  The content strategy for a small business in Portland or Hillsboro, Oregon, will differ from Whirlpool‘s content strategy, for example.  Of course, both content strategies may share similar elements, like social media outreach and special promotions.  Research and A/B testing would likely play a role for each

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Three Ways Great Writing Can Help Your Business

As a professional writer and editor, I’m always interested in other professionals’ views on writing.   I recently read an excellent article by Dave Kerpen entitled, “Want To Be Taken Seriously? Become a Better Writer.”  The article is written as a guide for both writers and professionals, and Mr. Kerpen gives several practical tips. Mr.

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I’ve been blogging about copywriting and editing for the past few years, but I decided to create a new name for my business this fall. I’ve always enjoyed the word, “enlighten.”  It’s a word woven into the fabric of my entire life.  It’s part of my spiritual background (I’m not a proselytizer, don’t worry!), and

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Small Business Owners and Dave

If your job title is “freelance writer,” then prospects, clients, friends, and strangers on the street understand your core competency and value.  But it also means you wear all the entrepreneurial hats.  (Some folks call this being a “solopreneur.”) Right now, I outsource my accounting, but I do everything else … sales, project management, accounts

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I hope everyone had a great winter holiday, and that 2012 is treating you well so far.   As I mentioned last year, I prefer aspirations to resolutions.  My aspirations this year are basically an extension of last year’s …  grow, read more, and volunteer more. I have one more entry in my “great writing” series: 

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Freelance Writer: Brand Loyalty, Empathy, and Coffee

I’ve mentioned to friends and family that working as a freelance writer  makes me more understanding of service providers I use.  I have to be the recipient of truly rude and reprehensible customer service to get growly right back. Brand loyalty is earned not just by consistently great service, but when things don’t always go

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5 Things You May Not Know About Me

I normally don’t write these types of lists, but I figured, “what the hell?”  My friends Natalia Sylvester and P.S. Jones did versions of this (choosing 9 and 8 things, respectively).  I chose 5 because I like to be mysterious, ;-) Here we go: 1.  I love all things lemon. Lemon scents, lemon verbena soap,

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Freelance Writer: Define Yourself

Friends in Portland and other areas have recently asked how I get work as a freelance writer.  It’s kind of funny, because just over a year ago, I asked freelance writers the same type of question!  I am flattered, but I can only talk about what has worked for me, and why I prefer freelancing

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What Worked in 2010

It’s the season for taking stock and end-of-year lists.  For myself, I made a pretty big life change in 2010.  I voluntarily became a full-time freelance writer in January 2010.  Leaving a salaried position with a company that I helped build was difficult, but who said personal growth was easy? Of course, like every other

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Seth Godin, Tony Hsieh, and Julie Andrews

Last night, Sara and I were sitting on the couch as we often do in the evenings after she is done painting and I am done writing or editing.  She was working on the Sunday New York Times Crossword Puzzle, while I alternated reading Seth Godin‘s Linchpin and Tony Hsieh‘s Delivering Happiness. I checked my

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