Tag: healthcare

Light Bulb No. 2 by Chuck Coker

Your Ideal Client

(Image Credit:  “Light Bulb No. 2” by Chuck Coker) My networking group, The Copywriter Conclave of Portland, keeps a regularly updated blog chock full of valuable information for me, my fellow “Conclavists,” and our clients.  I’ve been thinking a lot about what Conclave founder Amber James brought up in April:  the ideal client.   Amber mentions

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Healthcare Writing and Obamacare

It is the dawn of Obamacare.*  October 1st marked the first day that U.S. citizens, with or without a history of health problems, can log on to state or federal health insurance exchanges and shop for comprehensive health insurance plans.   The law is new, and it’s understandable that there is still confusion, as well as

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What Is A Market Rate?

Last month’s Enlighten Writing blog post discussed why I don’t think writer/editors should work for free. I discussed the importance of a market rate.  But what is a market rate?  And how does a writer or editor determine her or his market rate? The Business Dictionary defines a market rate as, “the usual price in

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