Tag: promotion

Freelance Writer: Define Yourself

Friends in Portland and other areas have recently asked how I get work as a freelance writer.  It’s kind of funny, because just over a year ago, I asked freelance writers the same type of question!  I am flattered, but I can only talk about what has worked for me, and why I prefer freelancing

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Freelance Writer: Copywriters Can Save Your Business

I kinda want to file this blog post under,  “a damned shame.”  On Sunday night, my wife Sara and I decided to eat Mexican food at a favorite neighborhood restaurant, where we’ve gone for the past three years.   We enjoyed its food and ambiance.  A type of music called norteño always played over the speakers,

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Freelance Writing Resources, Part One

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance writer (or simply doing more freelance writing), there are online resources and freelance writer blogs that can help (well, several helped me, anyway). I am still compiling various resources in my online journeys, and will write a “sequel” post to this when I find sites that are reliable

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